
2024-12-04 08:41:04

想要学好英语 老师水平是关键 纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才可以,否则学错口音要改正就更困难了,一定要多试听来比较~你可以去英语学校撒,周末去上课咯,跟着老师学。不过交通不方便,我都是在家里学习,亲自试听:1.看看性介比.好.吗 2.看看师资力量;我学习的这家ABC天芐口语就还不错,不过学英语是个长久战 不是一天两天的事 它需要不断地积累才行 多听、多读、多记、多练,每天如此 持之以恒,相信过段时间 你会惊奇的发现自己的英语有很大的进步!My name is John who is a 1 years old student.And my hobby is playing football.I am a warm hearted and friendly boy,and I love my from the bottom of my heart.My mother is years old woman who is a waitress in the Coffee Shop.To my mother's delight,she can take care of me because the Coffee Shop is close to our house.She is really a industrious woman.Her hobby is listening to the music.My father is a busy man who is working in a hosiptal,and he is 0 years old now.My good father is a professional doctor who is full of patient.So he always has to work untill midnight.However, my busy father is fond of fisng.So,on urday my father usually go fisng with us.希望帮到你.原创文章. 我是约翰。是一个1岁的学生 爱好是踢足球。我是个热心肠友好的男生.我有个美好的家庭。我打心底里爱着我的家人。我妈妈是个岁的女人,在一家馆做女侍应。使她高兴的是,馆离我们家很近,能够方便她照顾我。而且,每天的黄昏,我妈妈下后都会去买些东西。我妈真是个勤劳的女性。她的爱好是听音乐。我爸爸在医院工作是个忙碌的男人。他现在已经0岁了。我的好爸爸是个很专业的医生而且富有耐心。所以他经常要工作到半夜。然而,我忙碌的爸爸喜欢钓鱼,所以我爸爸通常会在星期六带我们去钓鱼希望帮到你.有什么问题可以找我.




my name is, , lam a girl who is outgoing. I like swimming and reading in my spear time. l am fond of making friend with anyone.

