你好,华硕 P8H61-M LX 主板可以配英特尔i5处理器嘛

你好,华硕 P8H61-M LX 主板可以配英特尔i5处理器嘛
2024-10-28 19:15:57



CPU 最早支持的主板版本 最早支持的BIOS版本 备注
Celeron G470 (2.0G,1C,HT,35W,32nm,L3:1.5MB,HD,rev.Q0) ALL 0801 GO
Core i3-2100 (3.1G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2100T (2.5G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2105 (3.1G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2120 (3.3G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2120T (2.6G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2125 (3.3G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-2130 (3.4G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Core i3-3210 (3.2G,L3:3M,iGPU,GT1,55W,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Core i3-3220 (3.3G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.E1) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3220 (3.3G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.N0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3220 (3.3G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3220T (2.8G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3240 (3.4G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3240T (2.9G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i3-3245 (3.4G,2C,HT,L3:3M,55W,GT1,rev.L1) ALL 0801 GO
Core i3-3250 (3.5G,2C,HT,L3:3M,55W,GT1,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Core i3-3250T (3.0G,2C,HT,L3:3M,35W,GT1,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Core i5-2300 (2.8G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2310 (2.9G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2320 (3.0G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2380P (3.1G,L3:6M,non-iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2390T (2.7G,L3:3M,iGPU,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2400 (3.1G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2400S (2.5G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2405S (2.5G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2450P (3.2G,L3:6M,non-iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2500 (3.3G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2500K (3.3G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2500S (2.7G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2500T (2.3G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-2550K (3.4G,L3:6M,non-iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3330 (3.0G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,77W,rev.N0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i5-3340 (3.1G, L3:6M, GT1, 4C, VT-d,77W, rev.E1) ALL 0904 GO
Core i5-3340 (3.1G, L3:6M, GT1, 4C, VT-d,77W, rev.N0) ALL 0904 GO
Core i5-3340S (2.8G, L3:6M, GT1, 4C, VT-d, 65W, rev.E1) ALL 0904 GO
Core i5-3350P (3.1G,L3:6M,4C,69W,rev.E1) ALL 0402 GO
Core i5-3350P (3.1G,L3:6M,4C,69W,rev.N0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i5-3450 (3.1G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,77W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3450S (2.8G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,65W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3470T (2.9G,L3:3M,iGPU,DC,VT-d,35W,rev.L1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3475S (2.9G,L3:6M,iGPU,GT2,4C,VT-d,65W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3550 (3.3G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,77W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3550S (3.0G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,65W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3570 (3.4G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,77W,rev.N0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i5-3570K (3.4G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,77W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i5-3570S (3.1G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,65W,rev.N0) ALL 0402 GO
Core i5-3570T (2.3G,L3:6M,iGPU,4C,VT-d,45W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-2600 (3.4G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-2600K (3.4G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-2600S (2.8G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-2700K (3.5G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,rev.D2) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-3770 (3.4G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,HT.VT-d,77W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-3770K (3.5G,L3:8M,iGPU,4C,HT,77W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-3770S (3.1G,L3:8M,iGPU,GT2,4C,HT,VT-d,65W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Core i7-3770T (2.5G,L3:8M,iGPU,GT2,4C,HT,VT-d,45W,rev.E1) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G1610 (2.6GHz,55W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Celeron G1610 (2.6GHz,55W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Celeron G1610T (2.3GHz,35W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Celeron G1610T (2.3GHz,35W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Celeron G1620 (2.7GHz,55W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Celeron G1620 (2.7GHz,55W,L3:2MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Celeron G1620T (2.4GHz, 2C, 35W, L3:2MB, rev.P0) ALL 0904 GO
Intel Celeron G1630 (2.8GHz, 55W, L3:2MB, 2C, rev.P0) ALL 0904 GO
Intel Celeron G440 (1.6G,35W,32nm,1MB,1C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G460 (1.8G,35W,32nm,1.5MB,1C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G465 (1.9G,35W,32nm,1.5MB,1C) ALL 0501 GO
Intel Celeron G530 (2.4G,65W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G530T (2.0G,35W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G540 (2.5G,65W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G540T (2.1G,35W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G550 (2.6G,65W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Celeron G550T (2.2G,35W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0501 GO
Intel Celeron G555 (2.7G,65W,32nm,2MB,2C) ALL 0501 GO
Intel Pentium G2010 (2.8GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.E1) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2010 (2.8GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.L1) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2010 (2.8GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.N0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2010 (2.8GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2010 (2.8GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Pentium G2020 (2.9GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Pentium G2020 (2.9GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2020T (2.5GHz,35W,22nm,GT1,L3:3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Intel Pentium G2020T (2.5GHz,35W,22nm,GT1,L3:3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Pentium G2100T (2.6GHz,35W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Intel Pentium G2120 (3.1GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0402 GO
Intel Pentium G2130 (3.2GHz,55W,22nm,3MB,2C,rev.P0) ALL 0704 GO
Intel Pentium G620 (2.6G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G620T (2.2G,35W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G630 (2.7G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G630T (2.3G,35W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G640 (2.8G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G640T (2.4G,35W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G645 (2.9G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0501 GO
Intel Pentium G645T (2.5G,35W,32nm,3MB,2C) ALL 0501 GO
Intel Pentium G840 (2.8G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G850 (2.9G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G860 (3.0G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G860T (2.6G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Pentium G870 (3.1G,65W,32nm,3MB,2C,rev.Q0) ALL 0304 GO
Intel Xeon E3-1230 (3.2G,1333,L3:8MB,4C,D2) ALL 0501 GO *Since Xeon CPU is not desktop CPU model, some feature may not able to work on this combination. For detail, refer to support.asus.com
Intel Xeon E3-1230 v2 (3.3G,L3:8M,4C,HT,69W) ALL 0501 GO *Since Xeon CPU is not desktop CPU model, some feature may not able to work on this combination. For detail, refer to support.asus.com
Intel Xeon E3-1245 v2 (3.4G,L3:8M,4C,HT,77W) ALL 0702 GO *Since Xeon CPU is not desktop CPU model, some feature may not able to work on this combination. For detail, refer to support.asus.com
Pentium G2030 (3.0GHz,55W,2C,GT1,22nm,L3:3MB,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Pentium G2030T (2.6GHz,35W,2C,GT1,22nm,L3:3MB,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Pentium G2120T (2.7GHz,35W,2C,GT1,22nm,L3:3MB,rev.P0) ALL 0801 GO
Pentium G2140 (3.3GHz,55W,2C,GT1,22nm,L3:3MB,rev.P1) ALL 0801 GO


您好,华硕 P8H61-M LX主板,是兼容英特尔i5处理器的,相关的接口参数如下:
CPU平台 Intel
CPU类型 Core i7/Core i5/Core i3
CPU插槽 LGA 1155
CPU描述支持 Intel 22/32nm处理器
支持CPU数量 1颗






I5 3XXX的可以