He left no time to regret 他离开的时候没有留下任何遗憾
Kept his d**k wet 带着他的J.B
With his same old safe bet 还有他一成不变的思想
Me and my head high 我抬着头
And my tears dry 我泪干了
Get on without my guy 自己走着没有朋友的路
You went back to what you knew 你回到 你之前知道的
So far removed from all that we went through 把我们经历的所有东西都忘记
And I tread a troubled track 我有太多的感受
My odds are stacked
I'll go back to black 我决定我要回到黑 (这个黑可以代表黑暗 也可以代表黑人)
We only said good-bye with words 我们只有说再见
I died a hundred times 我已经死了100次
You go back to her 你会去找她
And I go back to..... 那我只好回去。。。回去。。。
I go back to us 回去记忆里面的我们
I love you much 我很爱你
It's not enough 但是不够
You love blow and I love puff 你喜欢帮我口 我也喜欢
And life is like a pipe 人生就是好像一个烟囱
And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside 这个烟囱全部是用一分钱推挤出来 而我就是当中的一个