
2025-03-07 08:25:45

Michael was one of a kind. Thinking back to when we met and the many times that we spent together and whenever we were out together and there would be a picture taken, there would be a caption of some kind. And the caption usually said something like, "an odd couple" or "an unlikely pair." But, to us, it was the most natural and easiest of friendships. I was 13 when we met. And from that day on, our friendship grew. Michael always knew that he could count on me to support him or be his date, and that we would have fun no matter where we were.
Michael是独一无二的。回想起我们相遇之时和一起度过的许多时光,那时我俩在一起无论去到哪里都会被拍照,并被冠上“奇怪的一对”或“不大可能的一对”的标题。但是,对我们来说,那是最自然、最单纯的友谊。我俩相遇时我13岁。自那天起,我们的友谊与日俱增。Michael 一直都很信任我,相信我能支持他、做他的女友,无论到哪里都能玩得很开心。
We had a bond, and maybe it was because we both understood what it was like to be in the spotlight from a very, very young age. I used to tease him, and I'd say, you know, "I started when I was 11 months old. You're a slacker. You were what, 5?". Both of us needed to be adults very early. But when we were together, we were two little kids having fun.
We never collaborated together. We never performed together. Or danced on the same stage. Although, he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the moonwalk. And he just basically just shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt. We never filmed a video or recorded a song, but what we did do was laugh. It was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or be sillier. Michael loved to laugh, and his heart would just burst out of him when he was laughing. He adored it when I did silly imitations or told him stories about my life.
M.J.'s laugh was the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone's I had ever known. His sense of humor was delightful, and he was very mischievous. I remember the night before Elizabeth Taylor's wedding and he had called me prior and asked if I would join him. He didn't want to be alone for all the festivities. It was the night before the big day.
Michael and I tried to sneak in to get the first peek of the dress. We were just giggling like crazy, and we almost passed out in his hysterics when we realized that Elizabeth was actually asleep in the bed. We thought she was in an entirely different room. We had to laugh and sneak out. Then, at the point of the wedding when there was the first dance, basically, we had to joke that we were the mother and father of the bride.
Yes, it may have seemed very odd to be outside, but we made it fun and we made it real. When he started wearing the glove, I was like, "What's up with the glove?". I'm like, "Look, if you are going to hold my hand, it better be the non-gloved one because sequins really hurt me." He used to shake his head and he would just smile. He loved to be teased. Seeing him smile made you feel like everything was going to be all right.
To the outside world, Michael was a genius with unchallenged ability. To the people who were lucky enough to know him personally, he was caring and funny, honest, pure, non-jaded and he was a lover of life. He cared so deeply for his family. And his friends. And his fans.
He was often referred to as the King, but the Michael that I knew always reminded me more of the little prince. Thinking of him now, I would like to share a passage from the book. "What moves me so deeply about this sleeping prince is his loyalty to a flower. The image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp, even when he is asleep. And I realized he was even more fragile than I had thought. Lamps must be protected. A gust of wind can blow them out."
Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent, and his true truth resided in his heart. As the little prince also said, "Eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart. What's most important is invisible." Michael saw everything with his heart. To his family, his brothers and sisters, Katherine, Joe, and to his children, Prince, Paris, Blanket, my prayers are with you.
Michael的敏感比他的才能更超乎常人,关于他的真相都藏在他的心底。就如小王子所说:“眼睛看不到的,你要用心去看。最重要的东西是看不见的。”Michael是用心去看身边一切的。我要向他的家人、他的兄弟姐妹、母亲凯瑟琳、父亲乔和他的孩子Prince, Paris, Blanket表示我的祝福。
Michael's favorite song was not one of the countless masterpieces that he gave us but it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie "Modern Times." It's called "Smile." There is a line in the song that says, "Smile though your heart is aching." Today, although our hearts are aching, we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon, and we need to smile.


"Dear Jackson family, It is with great sadness that we learned of the untimely death of Michael Jackson. Michael became close to us after he started visiting and performing in South Africa regularly. We grew fond of him, and he became close -- a close member of our family. We had great admiration for his talent and that he was able to triumph over tragedy on so many occasions in his life. Michael was a giant and a legend in the music industry. And we mourn with the millions of fans worldwide. We also mourn with his family and his friends over the loss of our dear friend. He will be missed and memories about him cherished for a very long time. My wife and I, our family, our friends, send you our condolences during this time of mourning. Be strong. Nelson Mandela." 曼德拉的致辞翻译: 致亲爱的杰克逊家族:我非常悲伤地得知到Michael的死讯。他在南非定期进行访问和演出之后,就与我们的关系非常的紧密,我们非常爱他,他成为我们家庭亲密的一员。我们对他的才华赞叹不已,并且对他在面对人生的诸多坎坷时所表现出的勇气表示敬意。在音乐界,Michael是个传奇人物,我们和他全世界亿万歌迷、他的家庭和朋友们为失去这样的挚友而共同表达哀思,我们会长久的思念他,记住他。我和我的妻子、朋友,还有我的全家人在今天早晨致意我们最深切的慰问,希望大家能够坚强!” 曼德拉 在悼念仪式开始,杰克逊的哥哥宣读了南非前总统曼德拉写给杰克逊的悼词,表示对杰克逊生前音乐才华和乐善好施的肯定,翻译实录如下: 纳尔逊-曼德拉:迈克尔-杰克逊是我很尊贵的朋友,生活中非常重要的一部分,迈克尔-杰克逊希望我再继续帮助他的孩子,只要我需要会在那儿帮助他,我在这里向迈克尔-杰克逊家族表达沉痛的悼念。迈克尔-杰克逊经常去南非访问,他是我们家一个亲的朋友,我们非常尊重他的才华。对他一生遇到的如此多的悲剧感到震惊,他是音乐界的人才,他在全球都有很多的歌迷,因此我们亲爱的朋友离去表示沉痛的悼念。 要采纳哈。 强烈需求曼德拉写给杰克逊的英文悼词 谢谢了` Memorial SpeechIt is with the deepest grief that we pay great respects to the memory of Michael Jackson,who died asudden death from coma at home.Michael Jackson was born on August 28,1958,in Indiana,USA.He is praised as the King of Pop,the most infective musician following Elvis Presley,the King of Cat.MJ was ersatile person in music,who had afeather in his cap in the fields of writing words,composing,singing,dancing,and playing musical instruments and so on.The group of Michael and the King of Cat and the group of The Beatles he become immortal symbols in the pop history.MJ has stared the modern MTV and advance the pop music towards an apex.In mourning Michael Jackson,we should learn from his noble quality of the contribution of music to the people all over the world.MJ has forever left us.We should turn our grief into strength and keep him within our hearts.May you rest in peace,Michael Jackson!Eternal glory to Michael Jackson!^quot;I can't stop crying over the sad news.I he always admired Michael Jackson.The world has lost one of the greats,but his music will live on forever!My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family.Godbless.^quot;^quot;''CHILD STAR TO MEGASTARJackson was born on August 29,1958,in Gary,Indiana,the seventh of nine children.Five Jackson boys--Jackie,Tito,Jermaine,Marlon and Michael--first performed together at atalent show when Michael was 6.They walked off with first prize and went on to become abest-selling band,The Jackson Five,and then The Jackson 5.Jackson made his first solo album in 1972,and released^quot;Thriller^quot;in 1982,which became asmash hit that yielded seven top-10 singles.The album sold 21 million copies in the United States and at least 27 million worldwide.The next year,he unveiled his signature^quot;moonwalk^quot;dance move while performing^quot;Billie Jean^quot;during an NBC special.In 1994,Jackson married Elvis Presley's only child,Lisa Marie,but the marriage ended in divorce in 1996.Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children,before splitting in 1999.The couple never lived together.Jackson has three children named Prince Michael I,Paris Michael and Prince Michael II,known fo rhis brief public appearance when his father held him over the railing of ahotel balcony,causing widespread criticism.New Yorkers and tourists in the city's Times Square were shocked at the news of Jackson's death.^quot;I don't know what to say.It's sad,it's really,really sad,^quot;said Nicole Smith,an 18-year-old student from Brooklyn,New York,in Times Square.^quot;My mother was afan.I listened to his music.^quot;^quot;I'm shocked.I thought someone was lying to me when Ifirst heard it.I was afan from when he was alittle boy and then he got weird,^quot;said Sue Sheider,51,a teacher from Long Island.


Michael was one of a kind. Thinking back to when we met and the many times that we spent together and whenever we were out together and there would be a picture taken, there would be a caption of some kind. And the caption usually said something like, "an odd couple" or "an unlikely pair." But, to us, it was the most natural and easiest of friendships. I was 13 when we met. And from that day on, our friendship grew. Michael always knew that he could count on me to support him or be his date, and that we would have fun no matter where we were.
We had a bond, and maybe it was because we both understood what it was like to be in the spotlight from a very, very young age. I used to tease him, and I'd say, you know, "I started when I was 11 months old. You're a slacker. You were what, 5?". Both of us needed to be adults very early. But when we were together, we were two little kids having fun.
We never collaborated together. We never performed together. Or danced on the same stage. Although, he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the moonwalk. And he just basically just shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt. We never filmed a video or recorded a song, but what we did do was laugh. It was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or be sillier. Michael loved to laugh, and his heart would just burst out of him when he was laughing. He adored it when I did silly imitations or told him stories about my life.
M.J.'s laugh was the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone's I had ever known. His sense of humor was delightful, and he was very mischievous. I remember the night before Elizabeth Taylor's wedding and he had called me prior and asked if I would join him. He didn't want to be alone for all the festivities. It was the night before the big day.
Michael and I tried to sneak in to get the first peek of the dress. We were just giggling like crazy, and we almost passed out in his hysterics when we realized that Elizabeth was actually asleep in the bed. We thought she was in an entirely different room. We had to laugh and sneak out. Then, at the point of the wedding when there was the first dance, basically, we had to joke that we were the mother and father of the bride.
Yes, it may have seemed very odd to be outside, but we made it fun and we made it real. When he started wearing the glove, I was like, "What's up with the glove?". I'm like, "Look, if you are going to hold my hand, it better be the non-gloved one because sequins really hurt me." He used to shake his head and he would just smile. He loved to be teased. Seeing him smile made you feel like everything was going to be all right.
To the outside world, Michael was a genius with unchallenged ability. To the people who were lucky enough to know him personally, he was caring and funny, honest, pure, non-jaded and he was a lover of life. He cared so deeply for his family. And his friends. And his fans.
He was often referred to as the King, but the Michael that I knew always reminded me more of the little prince. Thinking of him now, I would like to share a passage from the book. "What moves me so deeply about this sleeping prince is his loyalty to a flower. The image of a rose shining within him like the flame within a lamp, even when he is asleep. And I realized he was even more fragile than I had thought. Lamps must be protected. A gust of wind can blow them out."
Michael's sensitivity was even more extraordinary than his talent, and his true truth resided in his heart. As the little prince also said, "Eyes are blind. You have to look with the heart. What's most important is invisible." Michael saw everything with his heart. To his family, his brothers and sisters, Katherine, Joe, and to his children, Prince, Paris, Blanket, my prayers are with you.
Michael's favorite song was not one of the countless masterpieces that he gave us but it was a song that Charlie Chaplin wrote for the movie "Modern Times." It's called "Smile." There is a line in the song that says, "Smile though your heart is aching." Today, although our hearts are aching, we need to look up where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon, and we need to smile.


By Joseph Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
I f you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don’t give away to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--- and not make thoughts your aim;
I f you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and toss
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
I f you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will, which says to them: “hold on!”

If you can talk with crows and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings---nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run---
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And---which is more---you’ll be a Man, my son!
《如果》——Rudyard Kipling

































更重要的是,孩子,你是个顶天立地的人。 这是MJ的墓志铭。


"I can't stop crying over the sad news. I have always admired Michael Jackson. The world has lost one of the greats, but his music will live on forever! My heart goes out to his three children and other members of his family. God bless."

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