* 1996:古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)
* 1998:古墓丽影黄金版:未竟的事业(Tomb Raider: Unfinished Business)
* 1997:古墓丽影II:西安匕首(Tomb Raider II: The Dagger of Xi'an)
* 1999:古墓丽影II黄金版:黄金面具(Tomb Raider II Gold: The Golden Mask)
* 1998:古墓丽影III:劳拉·克劳馥的冒险(Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft)
* 2000:古墓丽影III黄金版:失落的神器(Tomb Raider III: Lost Artifact)
* 1999:古墓丽影:最后的启示(Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation)
* 2000:古墓丽影:历代记(Tomb Raider: Chronicles)
* 2003:古墓丽影:黑暗天使(Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness)
* 2006:古墓丽影:传说(Tomb Raider: Legend)
* 2007:古墓丽影:周年纪念(Tomb Raider: Anniversary)
* 2008:古墓丽影:地下世界(Tomb Raider:Underworld)
考古学家 劳拉(Lara Croft)全名:劳拉·克劳馥 古墓丽影9还没出