尊重他人就是尊重自己:Respect others is to respect yourself
尊重他人,就是给自己一个幸福的机会:Respecting others will offer yourself an occasion for happiness
尊重是一个教训,每个人都应该学会:Respect is a lesson that everyone should learn
尊重必须在预期回报的:Respect must be given before an expected return
尊重是免费赠送的:Respect is something that’s given for free
如果你认为那个跟你争论的人没素质,不需要反驳,保持你的尊严,你不像他你怎么可以做像他做的事情呢 If you think that the person fighting with you is of low level, don't fight back, maintain your dignity, you are not like him than how can you do what he is doing.
一个女人有权利炫耀自己的身体,但是保持自己的自尊和尊严A girl has the right to show off her body, but keep your pride and dignity.