
2025-03-21 07:14:32

全名: Aaron Charles Carter
昵称: Airboy, AC (by Nick), Evil Knievel (by Dad), Cyclone (by Gary Carolla), Big "A" (by Gary Carolla), Little Prince of Pop (by Mom), Banchee (by Dad), MC AC, MC Aaron, Baby Backstreet, Airhead (by Dad), Aar-Bear, Aaron C, Stella Boy, Little Percy, K-cE
年龄: 18
生日: 1987年12月7日星期一早晨8:02(比他的双胞胎姐姐晚1分钟)
星座: 人马座
现状: 单身...再一次!
诞生石: 绿宝石
出生地: Tampa, FL at Tampa General Hospital
成长地: Ruskin, FL
现在居住地: Marathon in the FL Keys
发色: 棕色和金色混合
眼睛颜色: 棕色
身高: 185公分
体重: 68公斤-结实的肌肉
鞋号: 10 1/2
会玩的乐器: 鼓,萨克斯管,钢琴,低音电吉他
宗教: 基督教
最喜欢的礼物: 他的狗-Oscar,摩托车,圣诞节刚得到的跑车
最喜欢的玩具:Ninja Turtles
最喜欢的电影:Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles1-3
最喜欢的BSB成员:Nick Carter
最喜欢的乐队和歌手:BSB、Mickeal Jackson
最喜欢的棒球队:Oakland A‘S
狗:Pepper和Salty是小型的德国刚毛犬, Simba和Samson是痛恨猫的看门狗
最尴尬的事 :"一次我骑车出去,刹车时一不小心把Simba摔了出去.当时我感到真尴尬,因为Angel看见了这一切并把它告诉了所有人.幸好Simba没事,但妈妈却冲着我叫了起来."Aaron说.
Aaron Carter获得了以下一年一度的Popstar杂志大奖:
- Poptastic Male Singer(Poptastic男歌手)
- Poptastic 4star CD (Poptastic四星CD)
- Most Kissable Guy (最令人想亲吻的男孩)
- Hair-To-Die-For Male (最佳发型男性)
- Sexy Style Male (最性感男性)
已录制的Video :Crush on You,Crazy Little Party Girl,Shake It,I'm Gonna Miss You Forever和Surfin' USA
家庭成员:Bobbie Jean(Angel)--Aaron的双胞胎姐姐,比Aaron早两分钟
第一支单曲:Crush ON You
1998年首张专辑:《Aaron Carter》
历史: Aaron将跟随他哥哥的脚步.他7岁时,就与坦帕一摇滚学校的同学组成了乐队.这支取名Dead End的乐队在当地的图书馆,咖啡馆等地表演.1996年,由于不同的音乐取向,乐队解散了.
01) oscar buntin carter 银色的wiemaraner (aaron的"儿子")
02) jo-jo 灰白色的西伯利亚爱斯基摩狗
03) merlyn bj的白灰色的shih tzu
04) pepper 一对mini-schnauzers中的一只,和ac的祖父母住在纽约
05) salty 另一只mini-schnauzer,和ac的祖父母住在纽约
06) pharaoh 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,aaron起的名字
07) sky 黑褐色的(德国种)罗特韦尔犬,ac的父亲bob起的名字
08) sampson carter家的德国shepard
09) simba carter家的金毛猎犬
10) zena 黑色的doberman
11) keela 一只jack russell terrier
12) sparky 一只shih tzu
13) precious ac妈**哈巴狗
14) bear 不知道
15) t.j. 不知道
16) tikki 一只灰白色的shi tzu
17) akayia 一只狼狗
18) mikey jordan nick的哈巴狗
19) willy wonka nick的哈巴狗
20) huston nick的哈巴狗
21) sabbath nick孩童时期的迷你pincher (已经安息了)
22) rambo aaron新得到的小狗, 一只黑色的哈巴狗

01) ladybird 一只白色的美冠鹦鹉
02) chubby 一只蓝色的长尾小鹦鹉
03) goliath 一只黄色的美冠鹦鹉

01) bandit 一只黑白猫 (已经安息了)
02) lucky 一只红桔色的虎斑猫

爸爸: (bob) robert gene carter
妈妈: jane e. spaulding carter
哥哥: nick carter (23)
姐姐: ginger [同父异母] (31), b. j. (22), leslie (17), angel [twin] (16)
外祖父: (doug) charles douglas spaulding
外继祖母: linda spaulding
外祖母: helen neal
祖父: (chuck) charles carter
祖母: barbara carter
舅舅: scott, steve, and john spaulding
叔叔: 无
姑姑: 已结婚: scott`s wife - roxanne spaulding, john`s wife - denise spaulding, and steve`s ex-wife - debbie spaulding (technically no longer aaron`s aunt)
阿姨: 无
表/ 堂兄弟姐妹: steve and debbie`s kids: john (22), steve (17), alex (14), josh (13), adam (7), and arynn (6) spaulding; scott and roxanne`s kids: dustin (21) and derek (19) spaulding; john and denise`s kids: scott (7) and evan (3) spaulding
最好的朋友: craig velger
angel的朋友: allison murphy, lindsay lohan (actress), natalie velger (craig`s sister)
nick的朋友: tony bass, mike self, brett
宠物: aaron有42只宠物


全名 Aaron Charles Carter
绰号 Airboy,AC
生日 1987.12.7
出生地 Tampa Bay,Florida,U.S.A.
头发颜色 金色
瞳孔颜色 棕色
宠物 3只猫(Lucky, Muffy和Sugar), 4只狗(Pepper和Salty是小型的德国刚毛犬, Simba和Samson是痛恨猫的看门狗)。
爱好 棒球,篮球,游泳,钓鱼,吹萨克斯,玩电游
最喜欢的玩具 收集Ninja Turtles
最喜欢的学科 音乐,数学
最喜欢的颜色 蓝色
最喜欢的食物 批萨
最喜欢的饮料 雪碧
最喜欢的影星 史泰龙
最喜欢的电影 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3
最喜欢的汽车牌子 Porshe,BMW
最喜欢的BSB成员 Nick
最喜欢的乐队和歌手 当然是BSB,还有Michael Jackson
最喜欢的棒球队 Oakland A's

Aaron 于1987年12月7日出生于佛罗里达的 TAMPA儿童综合医院。 AARON是幸运的,在这个宝贵的时刻有人陪他一起度过。因为他的孪生姐姐ANGEL仅在他前几分钟降临人世。AARON和ANGEL的降生受到了他们的三个兄弟姐妹 BOBBIE JEAN(B.J.)LESLIE, 和NICK的欢迎。B.J.和NICK都出生在JAMESTOWN的WCA医院。 这是在他们还没有搬来佛罗里达之前。LESLIE出生在佛罗里达的"退休之家的别墅花园"里, 也就是现在CARTER一家生活和工作的地方。
后街男孩Nick的弟弟Aaron Carter从7岁开始音乐生涯,他以他充满激情和个性的演唱而崭露头角,1997年Aaron Carter在后街男孩德国柏林演唱会上献艺,同年推出个人首支单曲,引起轰动,1998年的首张专辑打进了全球各地的十大排行榜,获得了12个国家的金唱片销售奖,同时也成为了英国音乐历史上拥有连续4首十大金曲的年轻歌手。


他的哥哥NICK CARTER是后街男孩里的成员。




Biography for
Aaron Carter (I)

Birth name
Aaron Charles Carter

Big "A"

6' 0½" (1.84 m)

Mini biography
Aaron Carter was born in Tampa, Florida. He is the younger brother of Nick Carter (the Backstreet Boys) and has three sisters.

He began his music career at age seven, singing lead for the band "Dead End" for two years.

He made his first solo appearance when he was 9, opening for the Backstreet Boys in Berlin in March 1997. The performance was followed by a record contract, and in the fall of 1997, he released his first single, "Crush On You".

His first full-length album "Aaron Carter" came out Dec 1, 1997. It achieved gold status in Norway, Spain, Denmark, Canada, and Germany. The album was released in the United States June 16, 1998.

In May 18, 1998, Carter released the EP "Let The Music Heal Your Soul," a fund-raising project that featured vocals by Carter, the Backstreet Boys, 'N Sync, the Moffatts, and other artists.

Carter's next album, Aaron's Party (Sep 26, 2000), was released in the United States under the Jive Label. The album achieved triple-platinum certification.

At 13, Carter recorded the album Oh, Aaron (Aug 7, 2001) which featured his first duet recording with brother Nick. Oh, Aaron was accompanied by a video/DVD of the same name (Mar 26, 2002) which included footage of his 2001 concert in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as well as music videos and interviews. Play Along Toys also created an Aaron Carter action figure along with the album's release (3).

Carter's next album, Another Earthquake (Sep 3, 2002), was released during the 2002 "Rock, Rap, and Retro" tour. The album featured the patriotic-themed "America A O" and the ballad "Do You Remember."

Most Requested Hits was released Nov 3, 2003. The collection included tracks from his last three albums as well as a new single, "One Better".

Carter's CD single "Saturday Night" came out Mar 22, 2005. The song was also featured in the Popstar soundtrack (Oct 18, 2005).

Carter is also an actor. His TV appearances include "Lizzie McGuire," "Sabrina," and "7th Heaven." His first lead role in a feature was in "Popstar" (2005).


IMDb mini-biography by

Younger brother of singer Nick Carter.

Siblings: Angel (his twin sister), Bobbie Jean, Leslie and Nick.

He and fraternal twin sister Angel were born one minute apart.

His third CD "Oh Aaron" debuted at number seven on the Billboard charts and went platinum.

Aaron's older sister Leslie has a singing career of her own and is opening up for Aaron on his 2001 tour.

Got a scuba diving certificate at age 8.

Younger brother of singer Leslie Carter.

His first single was 'Crush On You'

Released his 4th studio album, 'Another Earthquake'. [September 3rd, 2002]

He is a big Bruce Springsteen fan.

Once sank to his waist in quicksand down in the swampy Florida, he was saved by family members...

Plays the drums, piano, guitar and saxophone.

His mother, Jane Spaulding, is a Mayflower descendant and is of Welsh, Irish, German, Blackfoot Indian and English ancestry.

Friends with singer/actor Joey Page.

He is a long time friend of actor 'Byron Taylor' qv (shaney)

Recently learned gymnastics from his backup dancers.


Personal quotes
"But you know, you actually have a lot more enemies being a star than you do being a normal person, because some people get jealous, some people don't think you're fit for it, or some people just wanna be doing what you do."

"Music is something that always lifts my spirits and makes me happy, and when I make music I always hope it will have the same effect on whoever listens to it."