
2024-11-20 12:38:25

例句 The Italians, like their most successful club team of the 60s, Inter, became wedded to catenaccio in a too negative way, the libero or sweeper playing behind two markers, though full backs such as tall Giacinto Facchetti were encouraged to go forward.
翻译 跟在60年代最为成功的国际米兰一样,意大利人以一种消极方式同链式防守结合在一起,自由人或清道夫待在两名盯人中卫身后,不过鼓励巨人法切蒂那样的边后卫向前推进。
备注 这里说的是作为战术的链式防守,要设置自由人和盯人中卫,边后卫要助攻。
例句 The man to man marking is now dying out but on the flip side of defending en masse is counter attacking and there is nothing more exciting than watching a break. Some English sides play catenaccio, Bolton for instance. Clough used catenaccio to win Forest two European Cups. I think it has changed since Sacchi. It is more zonal and the game is faster.
翻译 人盯人防守正在消亡,但全员防守的另一面就是反击,而且论及激动人心没什么胜过观看一次突进的上演。一些英国球队在踢链式防守,博尔顿就是一个。克拉夫用链式防守为诺丁汉森林拿了两个欧洲杯。我认为自萨基之后就已经变了。更多区域防守,比赛也很快。
例句 That wasn't Catenaccio. It was just defensive, counter attacking football. Catenaccio is based on man-marking. Inter just held their shape, and doubled up on Robben, and it was enough to stop Bayern
翻译 那不是链式防守,只是守势的、反击式的足球。链式防守建立在盯人的基础上。国际米兰只是收缩阵形,夹防罗本,这足以阻挡拜仁。
备注 这个球迷理解的链式防守,仍是战术意义上的,需要采用人盯人防守。
例句 Canavaro: No way! We don't use catenaccio anymore. Italian teams like Inter, AC Milan, or Juve play attractive football and win games by playing well. But, the fact that people still associate Italy with spaghetti, pizza and catenaccio is not going to change, even though it went out of fashion many years ago.
翻译 卡纳瓦罗:“不可能,我们再也不用链式防守了。国际米兰、AC米兰或尤文图斯这样的意大利球队,都在踢攻势足球,用出色表现赢得胜利。但是,人们把意大利跟意式面条、比萨饼和链式防守联系起来的做法不会变,即便好多年前它就不再流行了。”
备注 这里的链式防守用来指一种重攻轻守的足球风格
例句 Italy's sports media has hailed the return of "catenaccio" -- a style of play based on deadlocked defense and swift counterattack -- as Juventus and Inter Milan squeezed through to the last four of the Champions League.
翻译 尤文图斯和国际米兰勉强跻身冠军联赛四强后,意大利的体育媒体欢呼链式防守的归来——一种以僵持防守和快速反击为基础的足球风格
备注 这里的链式防守是指足球风格,当时尤文图斯和国际米兰都和自由人、人盯人无关
例句 As for Italians and their supposed love affair with the "Catenaccio" philosophy, well, times have changed. Milan, Parma, Juventus all play with just three defenders. Roma features three strikers (Totti, Montella and Delvecchio), plus an offensive midfielder (Nakata). It's time to say goodnight to Mr. Catenaccio.
翻译 对于意大利人,还有印象中他们对链式防守哲学的满腔钟爱来说,时代已经变了。
备注 这句出自马尔科蒂的一篇文,写全球化影响了各国足球的民族性格。