This is the shortest route from Boston to New York. 是对的,语法上用road是没有错的,这里主要是语境的问题.比如你去学校,可以有很多种走法,route就是最近的那条路线.而用road就变成了走一条路就可以去你们学校了.try another road 是可以的,但和try another route的意思有些许不同.简单的说route是路线.road是路.
No. "Rode" is wrong anyway. I think you meant to use "road", but "route" is the correct version.
You would still use "route".
As in road would mean a specific road, which isn't likely as roads are not that long. While route would just be the 路线 that you're taking, and in it includes several road.
也可以说 This is the shortest road from Boston to New York. 但是它和This is the shortest route from Boston to New York. 的意思就不大一样了。前者的意思是这条路是波士顿和纽约之间最短的一条,而后者的意思是这是从波士顿到纽约的最短路线,——注意到路和路线的区别了吗?road 是单纯的一条路;而 route是路线的意思,它可以是由多条路构成的!
至于后面的try another road 和try another route的区别也是一样的。
road是指实实在在的一条马路,route是路线,除非没有岔路直通式马路才能称为route,一般是需要曲曲折折的,所以,route 是正解。
it's the shortest way from boston to new york.