get lost in too much excitement
或者get dizzy with success
1、Don't get dizzy with success and forget yourselves . 不要让胜利冲昏了头脑,忘乎所以。
2、Don't be discouraged by failure or get dizzy with success . 不要因失败而灰心,也不要因成功而骄傲。
3、A good friend is like a mirror which tells me what my disadvantage is when get dizzy with success. 好朋友就像一面镜子,在我们得意忘形的时候,指出我们的不足。
bloat 动词意思是得意
get dizzy with success
be eaten up with success
go beyond oneself
in one's glory
He has his nose in the air. 意思是:This person thinks he is better than everyone else.
出自voa special English nose and ear.
get dizzy with success