从句可分为主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,定语从句,同位语从句以及状语从句.
除了状语从句外,其它从句的分主从句的方式完全相同.即找出主从句的引导词,引导词之前就是主句,之后是从句.
状语从句有点区别.若句中没有逗号,那么判别方式和上面一样,如果句中有逗号,那么逗号前是从句,后是主句.
eg
i
was
watching
tv(主)
when
he
arrived
there(从).
when
he
arrived
there(从),i
was
watching
tv.(主)
we
will
go
for
a
picnic
if
it
doesn't
rain
tomorrow.
if
it
doesn't
rain
tomorrow,we
will
go
for
a
picnic
有些定语从句可能也会和状语从句有相同的判别方式
as
is
known
to
us,
taiwan
is
a
part
in
china.
时间紧迫,要开会去了.如果你还有什么不懂的,尽管发信息问我,无任欢迎
从句的作用就是充当主句的成分.通常情况下从句前面有引导词.(that
what
who
where之类的).最简单的办法就是找引导词.引导词后面的就一定是从句.但是如果想彻底搞清这个问题,你要先学会分析简单句的句子成分.然后再进一步分析复杂句中,主句少什么成分,从句就是充当什么成分.
下成这几个例子是不同的从句.已经把从句用刮号标出了.
表语从句:This
is
(what
want
to
know).
宾语从句:He
was
afraid
(that
his
baby
would
touch
that
cat).
定语从句:I
want
to
have
the
book
(that
you
have
bought
yesterday).
状语从句:She
turned
on
set
and
sit
down
(when
a
thief
came
into
her
room).
同位语从句:We
have
learned
the
news
(that
our
friend
won
the
game).