简称 中文解释 英文全称
CFS/CFS 散装交货(起点/终点)
CPT 运费付至目的地 Carriage Paid To
CIP 运费、保险费付至目的地 Carriage and Insurance Paid To
D/A 承兑交单 Document Against Acceptance
D/O 到港通知 Delivery Order
D/P 付款交单 Document Against Payment
DAF 边境交货 Delivered At Frontier
DDC 目的港码头费 Destination Delivery Charge
DDP 完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid
DDU 未完税交货 Delivered Duty Unpaid
DEQ 目的港码头交货 Delivered Ex Quay
DES 目的港船上交货 Delivered Ex Ship
Exw 工厂交货 Work/ExFactory
FAF 燃料附加费 Fuel AdjustmentFactor
FCA 货交承运人 Free Carrier
FAS 装运港船边交货 Free Alongside Ship
FAK 各种货品 Freight All Kind
BAF 燃油附加费 Bunker AdjustmentFactor
L/C 信用证 Letter of Credit
T/T 现金付款
CFR: 成本加运费(运费付至目的港)cost and freight
ICC 国际商会 Chamber of Commerce