Dermovate ointment 是激素药物吗?求此药的汉语说明书

2025-03-22 00:08:46


氯倍他索[clobetasol]相关信息 常用缩写符号

适应症 对皮质类固醇激素有反应的皮肤病。
成人常用量 外用 0.05%乳膏/软膏:涂于患处,每天2次。
禁忌 禁止用于溃疡性疾病、酒渣鼻、搔痒症的长期治疗。急性感染,对本药过敏者,小于12岁的儿童禁用。
注意事项 心力衰竭, 近期心肌梗死, 高血压,糖尿病,癫痫,青光眼,甲状腺机能低下,肝衰竭, 肾损害,精神病,儿童和老年人,妊娠哺乳期女性慎用。避免进入眼睛。如果存在感染 , 应给予特异性抗感染药物治疗。
不良反应 口周皮炎, 细纹特别是皮肤皱褶部位。皮肤和表皮萎缩特别是面部,类固醇性紫癜。
严重不良反应: 大剂量长期应用会导致全身吸收而引发肾上腺抑制、库兴综合征,糖尿病和高血压。

C级: 动物研究证明药物对胎儿有危害性(致畸或胚胎死亡等),或尚无设对照的妊娠妇女研究,或尚未对妊娠妇女及动物进行研究。本类药物只有在权衡对孕妇的益处大于对胎儿的危害之后,方可使用。
药理作用 了解详细药效学、药代动力学,请查看 氯倍他索[clobetasol]药理作用
MIMS药物分类 外用皮质激素 (Topical Corticosteroids)
ATC编码 D07AD01


Dermovate cream and ointment both contain the active ingredient clobetasol propionate, which is a type of medicine called a topical corticosteroid.

Corticosteroids are medicines used for reducing inflammation. Inflammation of the skin happens due to irritation of the skin, and is caused by the release of various substances that are important in the immune system. These substances cause blood vessels to widen, resulting in the irritated area becoming red, swollen, itchy and painful, such as is seen in dermatitis or eczema.

When clobetasol is applied to the skin it works by acting inside the skin cells to decrease the release of these inflammatory substances. This reduces swelling, redness and itch.

There is a range of potencies of corticosteroids applied to the skin. Clobetasol propionate is classed as a very potent corticosteroid. It is prescribed to treat severe inflammatory skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis that have not responded to weaker corticosteroids.

Dermovate ointment is more greasy than the cream. It is more suitable for very dry, scaly areas of skin, whereas moist or weepy skin is best treated with the cream.
英文的:Dermovate cream or ointment should be applied thinly to the affected areas of skin once or twice a day to start with. As soon as the condition starts to improve, you should use it less frequently, as directed by your doctor. Dermovate should not be used for longer than four weeks at a time. If your skin condition has not improved after two to four weeks of treatment you should consult your doctor. Repeat courses maybe necessary to control flare-ups of your skin condition, but should only be started on the advice of your doctor.
翻译以后: 特美肤霜和药膏都包含有效成分的丙酸氯倍他索,这是一种医学上称之为局部皮质类固醇。皮质类固醇药物用于减轻炎症。炎症的皮肤造成刺激皮肤,并造成释放各种物质是重要的免疫系统。这些物质导致血管扩张,导致发炎地区变为红色,肿胀,发痒和痛苦,如可见的皮炎或湿疹。当氯倍他索是适用于皮肤它的皮肤细胞内减少释放这些炎症物质。这将减少肿胀,发红和发痒。有一系列的效力的皮质类固醇用于皮肤。丙酸氯倍他索被归类为一个非常强大的类固醇。这是明的治疗严重的炎症性皮肤病,如湿疹和牛皮癣,没有回应较弱的皮质类固醇。特美肤药膏更油腻比霜。这是更适合非常干燥,鳞片皮肤的地区,而湿润或流泪的皮肤是最好的治疗霜。特美肤霜或软膏,应薄薄地涂上皮肤受影响的地区一次或两次一天开始。一旦情况开始好转,你应该使用它不经常,你的医生的指示。特美肤的使用不应该超过四周的时间。如果你的皮肤状况没有改善后四周的治疗,您应该咨询您的医生。重复课程也许需要控制发作你的皮肤状况,但只应开始你的医生的指导。