
2024-11-06 11:27:20



The responsibilities of job, home, and family all too often transform the daily routine into one big blur. Enjoying quality leisure time becomes difficult.

True leisure means engaging in a pleasurable and rewarding activity without being preoccupied by other aspects of your life. Sometimes, the strains you experience during the week make you place great emphasis on weekends and other days off. You hope to relax, but the pressure is enormous. You can’t rest even when you have the time to do so. When time is limitied, leisure activities are usually the first items to disappear from the daily schedule.

If you routinely forfeit(即abandon) your leisure time because you have “more important things to do,” you may be underestimating how much time those other things actually take. Most people routinely shortchange themselves on the amount of time required to complete a given task. The problem is a failure to evaluate performance honestly.


However,simplifying your life will let you have more windows of opportunity to do stuff just for fun. Maybe you need to relearn to relax.

Indulge(即spare time for) Your Desires

Devote one afternoon or evening per week entirely to yourself. Use those hours to do something, anything, that you enjoy. Listen to your favorite music. Assemble a jigsaw puzzle. Dig in your garden. Do whatever you always wish you could but never seem to find time for. And do it where there’s nothing to remind you of other obligations.

Opt(即choose) for Low-Tech

The popular fascination with technological advances in all areas of life has diverted attention from the simple pleasures of many traditional pastimes. People think they must have the best, most up-to-date equipment available to enjoy themselves. When keeping up with trends becomes the focus, the pure pleasure of leisure is lost.

