
2025-01-07 05:17:09

* T905.c
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTYT;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* This program is for the nRF905 with 232 interface;
* $write date: 2004.4.7 ;time 11:00$
* $Revision: 1 $

#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int

#define WC 0x00 // Write configuration register command
#define RC 0x10 // Read configuration register command
#define WTP 0x20 // Write TX Payload command
#define RTP 0x21 // Read TX Payload command
#define WTA 0x22 // Write TX Address command
#define RTA 0x23 // Read TX Address command
#define RRP 0x24 // Read RX Payload command
typedef struct RFConfig
uchar n;
uchar buf[10];

code RFConfig RxTxConf =
0x01, 0x0c, 0x44, 0x20, 0x20, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc,0xcc, 0x58
// The content of this struct is nRF905's initialize data.初始化数据
// CH_NO=1;433MHZ;Normal Opration,No Retrans;RX,TX Address is 4 Bytes
// RX TX Payload Width is 32 Bytes;Disable Extern Clock;Fosc=16MHZ
// 8 Bits CRC And enable
uchar data TxBuf[32];
uchar data RxBuf[32];
uchar key,rsbrf,delayf,tf;
uchar bdata DATA_BUF;
sbit flag =DATA_BUF^7;
sbit flag1 =DATA_BUF^0;
sbit TX_EN =P1^7;
sbit TRX_CE =P1^6;
sbit PWR_UP =P1^5;
sbit MISO =P1^1;
sbit MOSI =P1^0;
sbit SCK =P3^7;
sbit CSN =P3^3;

sbit AM =P1^3;
sbit DR =P3^2;
sbit CD =P1^4;

sbit LED1 =P3^4;
sbit LED2 =P3^5;
sbit KEY1 =P3^0;
sbit KEY2 =P3^1;

void InitIO(void); // Initialize IO port
void Inituart(void); // initialize 232 uart
void Config905(void); // Config nRF905 module配置NRF905模式
void SetTxMode(void); // Set nRF905 in Tx mode
void SetRxMode(void); // Set nRF905 in Rx mode
void TxPacket(void); // Send data by nRF905
void RxPacket(void); // Recive data by nRF905
void SpiWrite(uchar); // Write data to nRF905
uchar SpiRead(void); // Read data to nRF905
void Delay(uchar n); // Delay 100us
void Scankey(void); // Scan key
void TxData (uchar x); // Send key_value to CRT display
void comdebug(void);
void Delay(uchar n)
uint i;

void main()
unsigned int cyc=0;
unsigned int distan=0;

CSN=1; // Spi disable
SCK=0; // Spi clock line init high
DR=1; // Init DR for input
AM=1; // Init AM for input
PWR_UP=1; // nRF905 power on
TRX_CE=0; // Set nRF905 in standby mode
TX_EN=0; // set radio in Rx mode

Config905(); // Config nRF905 module
TxBuf[0] = 1;
TxBuf[1] = 1;
SetTxMode(); // Set Tx Mode
TxPacket(); // Transmit Tx buffer data
LED1 = 0;
LED2 = 0;

Delay(500); // delay for led light
LED1 = 1;
LED2 = 1;
TxBuf[0] = 0xff;
TxBuf[1] = 0xff;

// led close
SetRxMode(); // Set nRF905 in Rx mode


if(KEY1 ==0 ) { LED1 = 0; TxBuf[0] = 1 ;tf = 1 ; }
if(KEY2 ==0 ) { LED2 = 0; TxBuf[1] = 1 ;tf = 1 ; }

if (tf==1)

SetTxMode(); // Set Tx Mode
TxPacket(); // Transmit Tx buffer data
TxBuf[0] = 0xff;
TxBuf[1] = 0xff;
SetRxMode(); // Set nRF905 in Rx mode
LED1 = 1;
LED2 = 1;

if (DR) // If recive data ready...
RxPacket(); // ... recive data


//function Config905();
void Config905(void)
uchar i;
CSN=0; // Spi enable for write a spi command
SpiWrite(WC); // Write config command写放配置命令
for (i=0;i {
CSN=1; // Disable Spi
//function SpiWrite();
void SpiWrite(uchar byte)
uchar i;
DATA_BUF=byte; // Put function's parameter into a bdata variable
for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Setup byte circulation bits

if (flag) // Put DATA_BUF.7 on data line
SCK=1; // Set clock line high
SCK=0; // Set clock line low
//function SpiRead();
uchar SpiRead(void)
uchar i;
for (i=0;i<8;i++) // Setup byte circulation bits
DATA_BUF=DATA_BUF<<1; // Right shift DATA_BUF
SCK=1; // Set clock line high
if (MISO)
flag1=1; // Read data

SCK=0; // Set clock line low
return DATA_BUF; // Return function parameter
//function TxPacket();
void TxPacket(void)
uchar i;
CSN=0; // Spi enable for write a spi command
SpiWrite(WTP); // Write payload command
for (i=0;i<32;i++)
SpiWrite(TxBuf[i]); // Write 32 bytes Tx data
CSN=1; // Spi disable
CSN=0; // Spi enable for write a spi command
SpiWrite(WTA); // Write address command
for (i=0;i<4;i++) // Write 4 bytes address
CSN=1; // Spi disable
TRX_CE=1; // Set TRX_CE high,start Tx data transmission
Delay(1); // while (DR!=1);
TRX_CE=0; // Set TRX_CE low
//function RxPacket();
void RxPacket(void)
uchar i;
TRX_CE=0; // Set nRF905 in standby mode
CSN=0; // Spi enable for write a spi command
SpiWrite(RRP); // Read payload command
for (i=0;i<32;i++)
RxBuf[i]=SpiRead(); // Read data and save to buffer
CSN=1; // Disable spi
// P0= RxBuf[0]; // Buffer[0] output from P0 port...
if(RxBuf[0] == 1) LED1 = 0 ;
if(RxBuf[1] == 1) LED2 = 0 ;

Delay(500); // ...light led
// P0=0xff; // Close led
LED1 = 1 ;
LED2 = 1 ;
//function SetTxMode();
void SetTxMode(void)
Delay(1); // delay for mode change(>=650us)
//function SetRxMode();
void SetRxMode(void)
Delay(1); // delay for mode change(>=650us)

