Lesson 1 Music and Behavior
Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear music at any of those places? There is a good change that you did. Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might even hear music in an office or a farm.
Scientists believe that music affects the way people behave. According to some scientists, the sound of western classical music (Mozart and Bach) makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks .When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. With no background music, people spend even less.
Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster .People actually chew their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money this way.
Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more alert. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax.
The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might change the way you behave.
Affects: changes
Behave: act, do things
Loud: having a strong sound
Lesson 2 Blues and Jazz
People from Europe and America brought Africans to America as slaves before and during the nineteenth century. These Africans brought their music with them. After the American Civil War (1861-1865), the African American people in the United Sates were not slaves. Their African American music became famous. It started in the South, in Louisiana and Mississippi. Then it traveled to the North. This music became the blues and then jazz.
Blues and jazz became very popular in the twentieth century.
A person who "sings the blues" feels sad. Usually, he or she lost something - a person or maybe money or a job. Blues express sad feelings sometimes in a funny way. People played blues first with only one or two instruments, for example, a guitar, a harmonica, or sometimes a piano. Sometimes they sang without any instruments. Some famous blues musicians are Bessie Smith, John Lee Hooker, and B.B. King.
Jazz came soon after blues. Composers added more musical instruments. Jazz can be happier and is often faster. Some famous jazz musicians are Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, and Wynton Marsalis.
Musicians who play blues and jazz change the music to show their emotions. They play the music differently each time.
Today people all over the world still like to listen to blues and jazz because all people have strong emotional feelings sometimes.
当一个人唱蓝调感到伤心。通常情况下,他或她失去了一些东西- 一个人或者金钱或工作。布鲁斯表示哀伤的情绪有时在一个有趣的方式。只有一个人玩或两台仪器蓝调第一,例如,吉他,口琴,有时一个钢琴。有时他们唱没有任何工具。一些著名音乐家的忧郁在贝西史密斯,约翰李胡克,和BB King。
Lesson 3 Rock and roll
Rock and roll came from jazz and the blues during the 1950s.one of the firstrock and roll songs was Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock.” One of the first very famous rock and roll singers was Elvis Presley. Others were Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry. Now almost every country has many rock and roll bands and singers. Sometimes performers call their music by different names, like “rap” or “punk.” They sing and play mixtures of rock and roll and talking or other sounds. Rap and punk both came from rock and roll, or rock music.
Some fans who like rock music think that classical music is boring. Many fans play rock music very loudly. They forget about the people who enjoy soft music. Loud music can make these people nervous. Many fans also like to dance to rock and roll.
When rock and roll was new, people had only records to play the music at home. After that, people used cassette tapes and records. Now we listen to music on compact discs (often called CDs). Most modern bands and singers pay companies to make videos of their songs. With videos, fans can see the performers at the same time that they listen to the music. Making a recording and the video that goes with it is very expensive.
Lesson 4 Country-Western Music
Country western music is very old. It came from the USA, Canada, Ireland and Great Britain. Country-western music is a mixture of music from all of these places.
In the American West, cowboys (牛仔)had to take care of the cattle. They had to watch them all day and all night because the cattle were nervous and sometimes ran away. A cowboy’s life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone with the cattle, he drank strong coffee to stay awake at night. He also sang music to the cattle to calm them. He sang about the stars and the moon, about his family and his friends. The cattle listened to the cowboy and went to sleep. They did not run away if he sang beautiful, peaceful music.
The cowboys also sang music when they traveled to town to relax and have a good time. Sometimes they played either guitars or harmonicas. Later they used violins and other instruments.
In the America South, many people came from Ireland, Scotland, and England. Other people came from French Cannda. They enjoyed their own kind of music. They also added instruments from their homes, like bottle, cans, and spoons. When they visited their friends and families on hplidays like Thanksgiving, they usually sang and played country music.
Country-western music describes life. It talks about love, jobs, home, and money. People in many parts of the world like country-western music because everyone knows something about these ideas. Also, many fans of this music wear western clothes and dance together to country-western music. Many bands all over the world now perform country-western music.
Lesson 5 Latin Music and Salsa
Latin music is very common in countries where people speak Spanish or Portuguese. However, people all over the world can enjoy it. This music comes from Mexico, the Caribbean, Central American, and South America. Salsa is one kind of Latin music. Big cities like Miami, New York, San Juan, Havana, and Panama City have their own kinds of salsa.
Latin music is a mixture of European music and African music. It has a strong beat. Many years ago, people played Latin music mostly on guitars with drums, but now whole orchestras with lots of other instruments play it. Composers of Latin music express their feelings in their music. Sometimes they are very happy, and sometimes they are sad. Ruben Blades and Juan Luis Guerra are two famous modern Latin American composers. They perform their own music with their own orchestras.
People play salsa and other Latin music at home or when they visit their friends. Sometimes salsa fans play cards in the afternoon or at night on weekends or holidays while they listen to Latin music. Some people bring guitars and play them while they sing. The other people relax and enjoy the music, but they don’t stop playing cards. They roast or bake food in the oven or fry it on top of the stove in oil. When the food is ready, they stop playing cards. They listen to the music while they eat. The food tastes good.
People who dance enjoy Latin music because it is easy to dance to. The beat is very strong. Dancers can move their whole bodies. They can dance alone or with someone. Other people enjoy listening to Latin music. Usually the words are in Spanish or Portuguese, but sometimes they are in English or another language. Many Latin songs have beautiful words, but if a person does not understand them, it is not important. A person can still enjoy the music. The sound is international.
Lesson 1 Work Hours
Many people say that they are working too many hours. They don’t have enough time with their families. They can’t take care of thing at home. They don’t have time to relax.
Work hours vary from one country to another. In France, people spend about 1646 hours a year at work. In Japan, however, people work about 2159 hours a year. That means a Japanese employee works 513 more hour a year than a French employee. That is more than 12 weeks, or three months, of extra work!
Why do people work so many hours? Some people work extra hours because they want to earn more money. However, many companies don’t pay for extra work. These people work extra hours because they think it’s their duty. Some people are afraid they will lose their job if they don’t work extra hours.
Many people say that their vacations are too short. In France, people get five weeks of paid vacation. In Germany, they get from four to six weeks. In the United States, two weeks of vacation is the average. Many people don’t even use all of their vacation days. In one study in Great Britain, fewer than half of workers used all their vacation days. In English, people say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” If that is true, there are a lot of dull people in the world.
Lesson 2 Salaries
In the United States, you probably shouldn’t ask the question “How much money do you earn?” Many people think that their salary is private information. However, you can find out the typical salary for different jobs on the Internet.
What are the best-paying jobs? In the United States, doctors, dentists, and pilots get the highest salaries. Why is that? Maybe it’s because it takes many years of study to enter these professions. Which jobs pay the lowest salaries? All of the lowest-paying jobs are connected to food. Cooks in fast-food restaurants and waiters get the lowest salaries in the United States.
Of course, your salary is not just the money you earn every week or month. In many jobs, you get a salary and benefits. Benefits are the extra things your employer gives you. Common benefits are health insurance and paid vacations. Benefits equal about 25% of an employee’s salary. For example, a person with a salary of $40000 plus benefits is really earning about $50000. That’s a lot of extra money!
摇滚乐来自爵士乐和蓝调在1950s.one的firstrock乐歌曲是比尔黑利的《昼夜摇滚。”一首非常著名的摇滚歌手是埃尔维斯普雷斯利。其他人Buddy Holly和查克贝瑞。现在,几乎每个国家都有许多摇滚乐队和歌手。有时他们的音乐表演者调用不同的名称,如“说唱”或“朋克”。他们的演唱和演奏摇滚乐和谈话或其他声音的混合物。说唱和摇滚都来自摇滚,或摇滚音乐。