人为什么需要交朋友 好朋友应该是什么样 英语作文

2024-11-06 08:15:58

在我五年级暑假时,在公路上看着别人骑着自行车在飙车,不知有多威风。我羡慕极了。心想:要是有一天,我也骑车在街上兜风,不知道有多酷啊!久而久之,这种想学骑车的心理慢慢地在我心里“开花、结果”。终于有一天,我耐不住心中的寂寞,请求表哥教我骑车,在我再三的请求下,表哥无奈,只好依着我,带我去公园学骑车。 表哥先把车骑到一片草地上,然后对我说:“骑车其实很简单,只要你扶着车把,再蹬上去,还要克服恐惧的心理,这样就行了。你先自己骑骑看,我在后面扶着后座。”太好了,我终于可以学骑车了,我心里像吃了蜜一样甜。我扶着车把,跨上坐垫,我心里像揣了只兔子似的,直跳,车把时而向左,时而向右,好像一不小心就会摔倒下来似的。我尽力抑制住自己紧张的心情,让自己平静下来,一会儿功夫,我便掌握了平衡的技巧。我心想:骑车原来这么简单,表哥见我骑得这么好,把手放开了,我一不留神,摔了个四脚朝天,我一骨碌爬了起来,我感觉有一阵疼痛,提起裤管一看,原来擦破了皮,我真想放弃,不学了。我把气撒在了表哥的身上,对他大吼大叫:“都是你不好,为什么要放手,害我摔得那么惨。”表哥明白我的心情,不与我计较,对我说;“失败乃成功之母,哪个人学骑车不是摔倒过呢?难道我的表弟是个逃兵,这种表弟我不认也罢了。”“我才不是个逃兵。”我火了。我这个人容不许别人讥讽我,我下定决心,无论如何一定要学会骑车。“那你不是个逃兵,就要做给我看。”表哥说。“你等看瞧。”我大声地冲着表哥说。我拍去身上的灰尘,翻身上了车,勇敢地向前蹬去,坐在车上,我真后悔自己对表哥这样蛮横无理,都怪自己太骄傲自满。这时,眼前有一块小石子挡住了去路,我又重重地摔倒在地。但我毫不犹豫地站了起来,跨上自行车,再也不敢大意,小心地骑着。经过我一次又一次的摔倒又爬起,没过多久,我学会了骑车。


Friends are gold, silver friends, friends, sun, friends, is the moon. Friends are the stars. Friends who are you into the dark shore, when you light a light person. Friends will not be because you are now going through a difficult period, while the you are away from the people. friends will not because you are in life, abandon your low moments people. a true friend will not be rife, and people will not hurt your wounds and then sprinkled Yi Bayan people. friends do not curs because of your frame, and away from your people, but at this time, to lend a helping hand to care about you, care for your people. a true friend would not sacrifice principle for profit. not Suifeng Dao ,
Will not be useful to risk of flattering A person who, for a useless person who kicked open person. A true friend would not be a little self-interest, put friendship aside friends aside. A true friend would not have ulterior motives, , he will be a time when you need help, regardless of all those who care for you, he would have been the most loyal to you, he will be committed to you before the words and deeds, not because you did not go well temporarily, while the forget your people. a true friend is a moral, and in you have a difficult time, he will not exert any pressure on you, put you on your breathtaking approach. a true friend would be sensible would be thoughtful of
. He will not see you at this time are not consistent, he will not stand idly by. He will secretly Jiequan you, he will share with you privately, he absolutely will not directly tell you the views of others to listen to of. In other words, he will give you to stay face-saving. a true friend can be a friend Liangleichadao, as a friend you can do anything for his friend could be feeling like the sun, will care for you in every possible way. I love with friends to get along with friends I like to make, I like to do Xinyu Xin communication with friends, I do sincerely hope that the exchanges with friends.朋友是金,朋友是银,朋友是阳光,朋友是月亮.朋友是星星.朋友是在你走向黑岸的时候,为你点亮明灯的那个人.朋友不会因为你现在处于困难时期,而离你远去的人.朋友不会因为你处在人生低谷的时刻而抛弃你的人.真正的朋友不会人云亦云,不会在你受伤的伤口上再洒上一把盐的人.朋友不会因为小人对你的栽赃,而远离你的人,而是在这个时候,伸出援助的手来关心你,关怀你的人.真正的朋友不会见利忘义.不会随风倒,不会对有用的人就阿虞奉承,对无用的人就一脚踢开的人.真正的朋友不会因为一点私利,就把朋友的情谊抛开了一边.真正的朋友不会有私心的,他会在你需要帮助的时候,不顾一切的对你呵护的人,他会一直对你最忠诚的人,他会承诺你们以前的一言一行,不会因为你暂时的不顺利,而把你忘掉的人.真正的朋友是有道德的,在你有困难的时候,他不会对你施加任何的压力,对你施加让你喘不过气的做法的.真正的朋友会是理智的,会是有头脑的.他不会看到你此时的不顺,他不会是袖手旁观的.他会在背地里解劝你,他会私下里与你交流,他绝对不会把对你看法直接说给别人的听的.也就是说,他会给你留面子的.真正的朋友可以为朋友两肋插刀,为朋友可以呼风唤雨,为朋友可以是阳光般的心情,会是对你百般呵护.我喜欢与朋友相处,我喜欢与朋友结交, 我喜欢与朋友做心与心的交流,我希望与朋友做真心的交往.


因为朋友多了路好走,一个人如果没有朋友,很难想象是多么寂寞。 朋友是愉悦日子里的一把吉它,尽情地为你弹奏生活的愉悦 朋友是忧伤日子里的一股春风,轻轻地为你拂去心中的愁云。朋友是成功道路上的一位良师,热情的将你引向阳光的地带 朋友是失败苦闷中的一盏明灯,默默地为你驱赶心灵的阴霾。朋友是帮忙你改正缺点的人 朋友是在你垂头丧气时安慰你的人 朋友是借给你肩膀痛哭的人 朋友是递给你手帕的人 朋友是鼓励你用心上进的人。