
2024-11-25 23:27:23

[ . . . ]里面的是增加的单词、句子
( . . . )里面是更改过的单词、句子(语法或拼写错误)
< . . . > 里面是要删掉的单词、句子


Talent Show(s) on TV

Nowadays, with the developing economy,more and more people [are] pay(ing) their attention to the entertainment [industry].

In this situation, all kinds of talent shows (have) appeared on TV. There are two reasons why talent shows (are becoming) so popular .【明白你是想说“以下···”,可是写英文文章的时候,如果要很舒服,很漂亮的,最好避开“请看以下几点”这样的句子】

First(ly), people (have became) richer so they have (enough) money [for] not only [food] and [shelter] , but also [for] entertainment.

In the (modern) world, [people] work so hard to earn money that they need to relax themselves sometimes. The (recent) appearance of [various] talent shows fit their need(s)【如果光是“the appearance of...”的话,会以为是talent show的长相呢!所以我加了“recent”在前面,这样就表达清楚“(最近)talent show的出现···”的意思了!】.

Moreover, teens [today] are more interest(ed) in talent shows. They spend a lot of time on all kinds of shows.【不是很明白你说的“they are so active that they...”是想说他们很活跃吗?我觉得直接就说重点,“他们放很多时间看不通的节目”】

More and more teens are absorbed in [watching these] talent shows, [as a result,] (these) shows [are] becom(ing) [increasingly] popular. 【最好写作的时候不要重复同样的词好几遍,适当的时候要换词用噢!这样给人感觉你词汇量很大~】

[Admittingly], I like to watch talent shows on TV [too]. 【很舒服?什么很舒服?这句话语法没错,可是完全有点凑字数的感觉,还是不要为好】

[In my opinion,] talent shows are good for teens . The shows [are] always [aired during] summer or winter [vacations] so the students can [also] play a part on [the show itself.]

[After studying for hours at ends, they are able to entertain and relax themselves through the participation of these shows while learning a lot about themselves and everything else.]【嗯,最后一句我基本上全改了,主要是句子太中国英语,词汇量有限】


语法方面要注意时态的表示。the有点用的过多,很多在没有一个特定的“物品”或“人物”的前提下不需要用the(比如说“teens”,如果硬要加the的话,那就是 the teen,指的是一个单独的青少年)。拼写的话,如果我没记错一共有两处,可能是打字的手误吧。


