所以,简单而言,我们常见的豹猫类型有金豹系(属于Traditional系)、银豹系(也是属于Traditional系)、雪豹系(包含Sepia,Mink,Sepia-Lynx-Point三种),而其中的雪豹系从基因类型层面讲,分为BB/BS/SS三种类型,这3种类型均拥有近似的外表,但是却拥有不同的基因类型,我们可以简单从他们的眼睛颜色,进行大概的判断,但是准确判断他们的类型,只有依靠基因检测Genetic Marker Test。一个小窍门:只要是蓝色眼睛的,一定是SS类型,即海豹山猫重点色基因类型,但是BS/BB,很难从外观直接判断了,尤其如果它拥有一双绿色的眼睛,我们很难去精确定义到底是绿色还是浅绿还是蓝绿色。
之后,我会根据我的知识,整理一些BB/BS/SS类型猫的区别,详细了解它们拥有的不同基因类型,可以帮助繁殖者有倾向性的选择自己需要的色系,因为本质上,BB和SS还是有一定区别的,这些是繁殖者自己喜好和选择性的问题。因为虽然我个人比较喜欢金豹,但是必须要承认,有很多非常漂亮的SS猫,尤其是目前最受欢迎的Speak-Easy的那只雪色大理石。 Shape: Broad modified wedge with rounded contours. Longer than it is wide. Slightly small in proportion to body, but not to be taken to extreme. The skull behind the ears makes a gentle curve
and flows into the neck. Allowance to be made for jowls in adult males. Overall look of the head
should be as distinct from the domestic cat as possible. 丰满,宽阔且适度的楔状头部。头部的长度应超过头部的宽度。头部占整个身体的比例较小,但绝不应是极小。耳后的头骨应以平滑的幅度过渡至颈部。成年雄性允许有腮肉。孟加拉豹猫的整体表情应当显著不同于普通家猫的表情(应当充满野性的感觉)。
Ears: Medium to small, relatively short, with wide base and rounded tips. Set as much on side as top of head, following the contour of the face in the frontal view, and pointing forward in the profile view. Light horizontal furnishings acceptable, but lynx tipping undesirable. 中到小且短的耳朵,宽阔的耳根和圆形的耳尖。正面看,耳朵应尽量位于头的两侧,耳朵的外沿线应平顺延伸至颧部【此处补充说明:正面(颧)视图,豹猫不应该有兔子一样的耳朵】,从侧面看,耳朵应当指向前方且位于头部(侧面)顶部。耳尖少许的饰毛是被接受的,但猞猁(山猫)状耳毛是不允许的。
Eyes: Oval, almost round. Large but not bugged. Set wide apart, back into face, and on slight bias toward base of ear. Eye color independent of coat color except in the lynx points. The more richness and depth of color the better.
Chin: Strong chin, aligns with tip of nose in profile. 强壮的下颌,从侧面看,下颌应与鼻顶端对齐。
Muzzle: Full and broad with large, prominent whisker pads and high, pronounced cheekbones. Slight muzzle break at the whisker pads. 饱满、宽阔且大的口吻部,突出且高耸的口鼻(胡须)部,有明显的颊骨。口吻部在口鼻(胡须)部轻微分开。
Nose: Large and wide, slightly puffed nose leather. 大而宽阔的鼻部,鼻部皮肤应当呈轻微疏松(即柔软)的状态。
Profile: Curve of the forehead should flow into the bridge of the nose with no break. Bridge of nose extends above the eyes; the line of the bridge extends to the nose tip, making a very slight, to
nearly straight, concave curve. 从额部开始的曲线应当非常平顺地过渡到鼻尖,不应有折断的感觉,不应该有明显的折点。鼻梁上部应延伸到眼睛上方;整个鼻梁应延伸至鼻尖部,应有一个非常轻微的,近乎于直线的内凹曲线。
Neck: Long, substantial, muscular in proportion to the head and body. 长,结实,充满肌肉质感,与头和身体的比例均衡。
Torso: Long and substantial, not oriental or foreign. Medium to large (but not quite as large as the largest domestic breed). Consideration should be given for smaller size, in balanced proportion, of females. 修长且结实,非东方短毛猫型(过于纤细)或异国猫型(过于粗壮)的体型。体型中至大型(但还不应是体型最大的家猫品种)。母猫体型普遍更小,且应更注重身体比例的均衡。
Legs: Medium length, slightly longer in the back than in the front. 中等长度,后腿比前腿略修长。
Feet: Large, round, with prominent knuckles. 大、圆,趾关节明显而突出。
Tail: Medium length, thick, tapered at end with rounded tip. 中等长度,粗大浓密,尾后部呈锥型且顶尖部为半圆型。【百度上有一个孟加拉豹猫标准,上面把thick翻译为了“纤细”的尾巴,这个可以确定是一个错误】
Boning: Sturdy, firm; never delicate. 粗壮、结实,永远不能显得纤细。
Musculature: Very muscular, especially in the males, one of the most distinguishing features. Allowance to be made for the generally slighter musculature of the females. 非常发达的肌肉,尤其是雄性,是其最重要的性征之一。雌性则允许普通程度的肌肉。
Length: Short to medium. Allowance for slightly longer coat in kittens. 短至中等长度。幼猫允许稍长的被毛。
Texture: Dense and luxurious, close-lying, unusually soft and silky to the touch. 厚而密,紧密排列,通常具有柔软且具有丝般的手感。
Patterns: Spotted or marbled. Coat may be glittered or not glittered, with neither type to be given preference. 点状纹或大理石纹。被毛可以有银尖(即大家常说的闪光的毛尖,所以豹猫会有“金沙”的原因),也可以没有,两者均被接受,没有哪一种更好的区别。
The Spotted Pattern: 【我只能专注于一种传统色系的斑点纹类豹猫,所以对于大理石和其他颜色,我就没有一一进行了解和翻译了。官方标准提供了2种纹理*4种色系即上面提到的8种官方认可组合】