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2024-12-02 06:52:27



FIFA World Cup - Interesting Facts!


Did you know- Uruguayan squad, the host country's team,claimed the first-ever Men's World Cup title over Argentina, 4-2.


Did you know- At the II World Cup, Italy, host country, became the first European squad to win a global tournament. The subsequent tournaments were held as follows: 1938 in Paris (France, Europe), 1950 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil, Latin America), 1958 in Stockholm (Sweden, Europe), 1962 in Santiago (Chile, Latin America), 1966 in London (England, Europe), 1970 in Mexico City (Mexico, Latin America), 1974 in Munich (West Germany, Europe), 1978 in Buenos Aires (Argentina, South America), 1982 in Barcelona (Spain, Europe), 1986 in Mexico City (Mexico, North America), 1990 in Rome (Italy, Europe), 1994 in Los Angeles (USA, North America), 1998 in Paris (France, Europe), 2002 in Seoul and Tokyo (South Korea & Japan, Asia), 2006 in Munich (Germany, Europe).


Did you know- Bolivia competed in 1950 but not again until 1994 in the United States of America.


Did you know- For the first time, West Germany hosted the global tournament in July 1974. Historically Germany had been competitive in soccer. Under the leadership Franz ("Kaiser") Beckenbauer, the host country-which never finished below sixth place since 1954-- won the X FIFA World Tournament. Outside of the Berlin Olympics (1936) and the Munich Games (1972), this event was the largest ever held in Germany.


Did you know- Tunisia (Africa) placed ninth at the 1978 FIFA World Championship in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Did you know- At the 1982 FIFA World Tournament in Madrid (Spain), New Zealand, a rugby-loving nation, had the worst result for its region -Oceania- in World Cup's history. Unfortunately NZ placed 23rd. For the country, it was its first appearance in the universal event.


Did you know- At the 1990 FIFA World Championship in Europe,Cameroon's football player Roger Milla, one of sub-Saharan Africa's most respected footballers in the 20th century, helped his team towards eighth position, the best result ever for an African country in soccer history.

2002- 2010

Did you know- Brazil -one of the world's biggest democracies-- has historically been competitive in football since the 1950s.The soccer players from Brazil have conquered five out of eighteen tournaments: Sweden'58, Chile'62, Mexico'70, USA'94 and South Korea & Japan'02. In 1950 and 1998, Brazil was runner-up. By 2010, the Latin American nation is attempting to become the first country to win six World Cup titles in football history.


Did you know- The 19th global tournament will be held in South Africa, one of the youngest members of the FIFA. It'll be the largest event ever held in Africa. There's only event that rivals the FIFA World Cup: the Summer Olympics.

Alejandro Guevara Onofre: Freelance writer. Alejandro is author of a host of articles/essays about over 220 countries and dependencies (and American States as well), from ecology, history, tourism and national heroes to Olympic sports, foreign relations, and wildlife. In addition, he has published some books on women's rights, among them "History of the Women in America" and "Famous Americans."


南非世界杯激战正酣,世界杯开赛前,足球专家们像以往那样纷纷预测比赛结果,其中,尤以贝利的“乌鸦嘴”最为出名。世界杯期间,德国动物园的动物们也没闲着,同样在尝试预测世界杯的比赛结果,比如章鱼“保罗”,这个八脚怪预测的德国队的比赛结果迄今一一应验。 “保罗”是德国西部城市奥伯豪森海洋馆的一只章鱼,迄今猜对了德国队所有三场比赛结果,让人不得不佩服。水族馆工作人员将贻贝放入玻璃箱中作为诱饵,然后给两个玻璃箱标上对垒双方的国旗。“保罗”首先选择哪只贻贝,意味着贻贝所在玻璃箱的国家队获胜。经过深思熟虑,“保罗”在最新预测中选择了德国队,表明他们将顺利从小组出线,而事实也确实如此。 质疑者虽然不服气,但“保罗”的表现令他们哑口无言,它先是猜对了德国队与澳大利亚队的比赛结果,接着又感觉到塞尔维亚队会给德国队制造麻烦。“保罗”并不是唯一预测世界杯赛果的章鱼,在德国汉诺威海洋馆,另一只章鱼“奥托-阿姆斯特朗”拥有自己的专属“球场”去选择获胜的一方。它每天都会对最热门的比赛进行预测。无独有偶,在柏林水族馆,两只挪威海虾每天用装满沙丁鱼的小足球进行比赛。 陆生动物的预测能力显然远不如“保罗”:德国东部城市开姆尼茨动物园的小河马“佩蒂”曾预测德国队会战胜塞尔维亚队,但结果令人失望。饲养人员将苹果放在挂有对垒双方国旗的墙壁下方,“佩蒂”选择吃哪个国旗下面的苹果,表明它支持哪个国家。 见“佩蒂”的水平不行,开姆尼茨动物园的工作人员又向别的动物求助,他们的最新顾问“安东”是只绢毛猴。“安东”选择了果实以表示对加纳的支持,这恐怕令德国球迷懊恼不已。德国的其他动物园也在培养动物们对世界杯的兴趣。 明斯特动物园则将世界杯比赛用球抛给了两只羚羊,让它们在本土过一把踢世界杯的瘾。而在斯图加特的威廉动物园,大象的尾巴上绘了黑、红、黄这三种德国国旗颜色,以此来表示对本国球队的支持。