经过协商跟工厂,他们同意提供优惠对于这些样品费用,最终的样品费用是USD200, 请安排支付After consultation with the factory, they agree to provide incentives for the sample cost, sample the final cost is USD200, please arrange the payment(后面应该还有几个单词的,不过只能翻译到这,请原谅)
We found the box artwork errors exist, require modifying modification. The original printing factory can not meet the quality requirements, they gave up. Color samples because the color is not approved, re production samples。
After consultations with the factory, they agreed to provide preferential fees for these samples, the final sample fee is USD200, please arrange payment
We found that there is an error box artwork, seek to amend your company changes.
The original printing plant can not meet the quality requirements, they gave up.
Because the color sample box is not approved, arrange production samples again
(经过协商跟工厂,他们同意提供优惠对于这些样品费用,最终的样品费用是USD200, 请安排支付
By negotiation with the factory, they agreed to provide a fee favor for these samples. The determined sample fee is USD200, please arrange the payment.
We found something wrong for the color box draft drawing. Please make modification for it.
The original printing factory could not meet this quality requirement and they abandoned.
The color box sample was not accepted due to the color difference, we will arrange to make samples once more.
After consultations with the factory, they agreed to provide preferential fees for these samples, the final sample fee is USD200, please arrange payment
We found that there is an error box artwork, seek to amend your company changes.
The original printing plant can not meet the quality requirements, they gave up.
Because the color sample box is not approved, arrange production samples again