1.我们中相当一部分学生说他们梦想有1天去月球.
Quite
a
few
of
us
students
say
that
they
want
to
go
to
the
moom
someday
2.离开教室时,别忘了关灯.
...when
you
leave
the
class
room.dont
forget
to
turn
off
the
light
3.宜昌人为这个城市感到自豪,因为它是最佳居住地之一.
The
people
in
Yichang
are
proud
of
this
city
because
it
is
one
of
the
best
places
for
living
4.在中国的新年,人们喜欢和他们的家人共度时光.
On
Chinese
New
Year,people
like
spending
time
with
their
family
members.
5.毕业之前我们会合影,好让它使我们想起学生生活.
Before
leaving
school
we
will
have
a
photo
taken,which
will
remind
us
of
the
life
in
the
school
1.
所有的都记载在卡片上。
All
of
them
are
recorded
in
the
card.
2.
你喜欢牛奶面包吗?
Do
you
like
milk
bread?
3.
我猜你不喝酒不抽烟。
suppose
that
you
are
a
non-drinker
and
non-smoker
.
4.
我们不可能再这样生活下去了。
It
is
not
possible
that
we
live
in
this
way
any
more.
5.
我敢肯定,这种事肯定迟早要发生的。
am
sure
that
it
will
happen
sooner
or
later.
6.
到海滨沙滩上散散步如何?
What
about
a
walking
along
the
sand
beach?
7.
我们实际上已经就该计划的每一小点取得了一致意见。
In
fact
we
have
reached
an
agreement
in
every
points
for
this
plan.
8.
我猜想她很可能作出了一个错误的决定。
suppose
that
she
probably
has
made
a
wrong
decision.