2、2环氧玻璃布层压板主要性能指标Main property indication 序 号
No. 项 目
Item 单 位
Unit 试验方法
Testing Method 指 标
Indication 物 理 性 能 Physical Properties 1 密度Density g/cm GB/T5130 ≥1.8 2 玻璃纤维含量
Glass Fibre Content % —— ≥60 3 吸水性(10mm)
Water Obsorption mg GB/T5130 ≤34 4 热膨胀系数
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1/℃ GB/T1036 11.1×10 5 导热系数
Coefficient of Heat Conductivity w/m.k —— 0.46 机 械 性 能 Mechanical Properties 6 垂直层向
Flexural Strengthat perpendicular to lamination 常态(23+2)℃
Under normal MPa GB/T5130 ≥410 热态(150+5)℃
At heat MPa ≥240 7 弯曲弹性模量
Modulus of Elasticity in Flexure MPa ≥24900 8 压缩强度
Compressive strength 垂直层向
At perdicular lamination MPa ≥350 平行层向
At parallel to lamination MPa ≥200 9 拉伸强度Tensile strength 纵向Lengthwise MPa ≥314 横向Crosswise ≥300 10 冲击强度
Impact strength charp (无缺口)
No notch 纵向Lengthwise kJ/ m ≥160 横向Crosswise ≥120 (缺口)
Notched 纵向Lengthwise ≥40 横向Crosswise 11 粘合强度 Bonding strength N Q/JBQP51 ≥7660 12 平行层向剪切强度
Shear strength at parallel to lamination MPa GB/T5130 ≥30 13 洛氏硬度 Rochwell strength HRM GB/T9342 ≥115 电 气 性 能 Dielectric Properties 绝缘电阻
Resistance 常态下 Under normal MΩ GB/T5130 ≥1.0×10 浸水(24+1)h后
After Immersion for24+1h ≥5.0×10 电气强度
Dielectric strength in transformer oil at 90℃ for 1 min kv/mm ≥14.2 平行层向耐电压
Proof voltage in transformer oil at 90℃ for 1 min KV ≥45 介质损耗因数(于浸水后,1MHz时)
Dielectric loss factor after immersion at 1MHz ≤0.04 介质常数(于浸水后,1MHz时)
Dielectric loss Constant after immersion at 1MHz ≤5.5 表面电阻率
Surface Resistivity 常态Under normal MΩ GB/T1410 ≥1.0×10 浸水(23+2℃/24h)
After Immersion of 23+2℃ for 24th ≥1.0×10 体积电阻率
Volume Resistivity 常态 Under normal MΩ.m ≥1.0×10 浸水(23+2℃/24h)
After Immersion of 23+2℃ for 24th ≥1.0×10 相比电痕化指数
Comparative Trackling Index GB/T4207 ≥200 耐 热 性 能 Thermal Properties 玻璃化转变温度Tg
Glass Transition Temperature ℃ IEC61006 ≥172 热压收缩率
Reduction rate of Heat press % 参考ASTMD621 ≤0.40 温度指数 Thermal Index GB/T11026.1 ≥155